Monday, June 25, 2012


First off is the title of this post really even a word? I mean I've heard it used but that ain't mean it can be found in the pages of Mr. Webster...I just like the sound of it.

I've had a couple really amazing weekends and they include some really awesome people. Unfortunately I'm a horrible picture taker and so I only have not even a handful of pictures to share but I shall strive to improve my picture taking habits.

A couple weekends ago I drug my favy fav cousin/sister to Moab with me to visit a special someone and we had a great time. We saw a flick, visited a lovely redhead, climbed a burning sandhill and played the part of tourists very well. i love this chicka so much! She has saved my sanity countless times.

Brenna Stu how I do love you!

Then one weekend the special someone afore mentioned came down to the Miss San Juan pageant to see me thoroughly embarrass myself and for some reason he still stuck around?? I'm not so sure why but I'm sure glad :)

And this last weekend I had the pleasure of spending a couple of very great days with the Bigelow family and one handsome one in particular....we laughed, ate, went for walks, stargazed and yes even brushed our teeth together. Don't worry I'm not getting sappy on ya and this story is very G rated.
 This is near a geyser we went to...I just like the orange rock and wanted to jump in the river mostly.
I didn't know that human beings could ever be so accepting of one another, but I'm sure glad that I met these ones and that they for some reason or another unseen to me decided to be nice to me and accept me for me.

Come to think of it...this whole situation kind of just came about by.....happenstance.....

Oh and P.S. Once the other day my cousins, aunt, mother and I, we all floated down the San Juan River. It was summer solstice (June 21). We got toasted. Not exactly my first description of fun, but it is one I can chalk up to my list.

 Yeah my cousins are pretty gorgeous I know.... I love em!

Oh and P.S.S. I know you're all wondering even though this is possibly the longest post ever....
 His name is Brennan and he makes me happy :) Think I'll keep 'im around.

There's something 'bout summertime

Living with my sister last summer I truly loved seeing my nieces and nephew every single day. I will admit they tested Aunt Boo's patience to the limit and my diaper changing skills, gag reflex and love for little chillins all grew significantly. We had so many good times and it's been so hard being away from them this summer. Unlimited minutes on cellphones doesn't cut it Verizon when it comes to having a relationship with these little tikes!

Okay so I accidentally went slightly overboard choosing pics to put up of them...good thing they will be here in 8 days....not that I've been counting for more days than that anyways..... :)

Alright so the point I'm trying to make is that I truly miss my kids and my kid time (yes I called them my kids although my sister did give birth to all three I still just love em!) So since these children aren't around me 25/8 anymore I found another cute little chicka to play with that I just love to death! I'm so grateful for willing cousins that let me steal their children for some playtime...this will be a weekly habit most likely.

Colee and I had so much fun running through the sprinklers, playing the piano, hide and go seekin it to the max and also water painting. (Don't judge me in my bathing suit...I know you're all jealous of my extra rolls and curves....pahahahah.) We had a grand time and I can't wait to have some fun with Colee once again!!

This little girl is a genius and melts my heart every time she uses such adult language. Also I just love hearing her say my name....."Kawa....Kawa...Kawa...."  :)