Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's a dreaded place....

As students we know it's inevitable that we have to complete tasks that we don't want to...some professors like to call this "homework". This is very inconvenient for me....homework and I don't have the best relationship and try to spend as little time together as possible. Thankfully the roomies and I have created something called "The Homework Table". We don't seem to use our kitchen table for much else, just sayin'. So tonight we sit at the dreaded place called "The Homework Table".....woof.

As you can see....I tend to get a whole lot done at the homework table like...getting in some quality music time....but for reals now it's time to get something done so I can find a better attitude for this night! :) I know you wish you had a place as cool as the homework table in your house....oh wait you do!


  1. Oh Kara! This is all I have to say!

    1. ShayleeI'm glad you read and comment on my blog...you make me feel loved! And whatsoever do you mean by "Oh Kara!" ;) haha
