Sunday, March 11, 2012

I heart...

 I heart Sundays:

I love Sunday's because I get to do things that I might not have time for in the week and they are relaxing and help me be a happier Kara.

I heart Cheesecake:

 I've never been one to eat cake, so for birthdays I always request cheesecake because it's so delicous! I have a real bad sweet tooth and this is good proof of it...cheesecake for no reason but a craving :) Yum!

I heart mail:

I love to get mail. Probs one of my single most favorite things ever. When I get a letter in the mail I'm like a kid again. So selfishly I write some of my missionary friends and wait for their reply! Truthfully I just have some really great friends on missions and I love to hear from's just a bonus that I love mail so much.
 I heart coloring:

I like to color. I however am not an addict...although it's a good possibility in the future years of my life. Yeah I know it's something that baby tots do, but I'm really not artistic so being able to color inside the lines makes me feel pretty accomplished. So once in awhile I send my wonderful coloring projects to my missionary friends. If nothing else they'll have a good laugh right?
 I heart reading:

I have always loved to read. Something I get from my Mama. Plus I'm a hopeless romantic so most books on my new Kindle Fire are surely romance novels. If anyone has any good book suggestions I'm always up for a good read. Plus I love having my scriptures on here and conference talks and the church magazines. Makes for good spiritual up-lift-ment anywhere I go.
And I also miss these girlies even though it's only been a few short days since I have seen them. Let's just say inside jokes aren't as funny when you're by yourself.